This packet contains 60 pages (!!!) of activities that include ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies. This is a 20 day (4 Weeks) Independent Learning Packet. This packet can be used in the following ways:
- sub plans
- supplement curriculum
- homework
- center practice
- small group practice
- school closings
Please see the table of contents inside the preview for the skills covered. The subjects include ELA (Reading, Grammar, and Writing), Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health.
- Answer Keys are in a separate file.
- Links and description for digital instructions.
⭐️Please note that there are some overlaps with Science, Social, Studies, Health content for Grades 2-5⭐️
What’s included in this packet:
Types of Sentences
Spelling Patterns /CH/ and /TCH/
Determine the Main Idea
Compound Words
Order Sentences
Regular Plural Nouns
Spelling Patterns
/CH/ and /TCH/ II
Sensory Details
Members of a Group
Supporting Details
Personal Pronouns
Spelling Patterns /OI/
Comparing 2 Texts
Synonyms in Context
Fact or Opinion?
Main and Helping Verbs
Spelling Patterns Soft C and G
Multiple-meaning Words
Combining Sentences
Fact Family
Bar Graphs
Picture Graphs
Spring into Division
Buzz into Multiplication
Mystery Numbers
Find the Order
Jelly Bean Multiplication
Multistep Problems
Recycle Problems
Recycle Rounding
Naming Shapes
2D Shapes
Line Plots
Measure Lengths
Measure Lengths II
Unknown Length
Real World Area
Area or Perimeters
Social Studies/Science/Health
Pollution and its Effects
Food Chains
Renewing Resources
Energy Today
Earth Day
The Telegraph
The Telephone
Weathering and Erosion
Radio & Television
Bike Safety
Water Safety
Sun Safety
Stranger Safety
Times are Changing
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way.
Let’s connect!
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