Multiplication Flash Cards, Quizzes, Brag Badges
This Product Includes:
• Mini Flash Cards for Basic Multiplication Facts through 10’s designed to hang on a binder ring (I suggest copying on card stock OR laminating)
• 11 Multiplication Quizzes for each set of facts through the 10’s (20 facts on each quiz)
• 1 Multiplication Quiz containing all the facts through the 10’s (100 facts)
• 11 Brag Badges for students after mastering a set of facts and also for mastering all the facts. These could be worn on a lanyard, a binder ring on their backpack, or however you choose. These are in color and can be printed and laminated to last longer or printed on card stock.
• Student Progress Checklist to keep track of students’ quizzes
About this Product:
This is a resource I designed for my 4th grade classroom after realizing most of my students had not mastered their basic multiplication facts. According to the Common Core Standards, students should master these facts by the end of 3rd grade. As many teachers know, this is sometimes not reality. We moved on to bigger and better concepts in my 4th grade classroom. Their lack of mastery of these facts hindered their ability to master multi-digit multiplication and division, factors and multiples, and working with fractions. Thus, this product was born.
This product contains materials to help and motivate your students to master their facts as well as quizzes to assess students’ progress.
The 100 basic facts are broken down into quizzes on each fact set: 1s-10s. So, students can start with their 1s. This would be the first quiz they take. As they pass each quiz, they move on until passing all the individual quizzes and finally All the Facts. Students use the personal mini flash cards to practice facts at home or when they have extra time during class. Having these on a binder ring makes it less likely cards will get lost or scattered. Hopefully.
The Brag Badges can be used as a reward when students pass a test. If copies or printing in color is an issue for you, you could use the colored versions for passing all the facts. With the flash card printables, there are also smaller versions of Brag Badges that students can place on the binder ring.
Additionally, there are flash cards for 11s, 12s, and a couple of challenge multiplication problems just for kicks.
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