Bookagram - Book Recommendation/Reading Response
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About this Product:
This product is a fun activity for students after they finish a book. I don’t know about you, but I always cringe when I see my students finish the last page of a book, immediately close it, announce they are done, and put it back on the shelf. I am constantly looking for ways to get them to linger with their books just a little bit longer…
Besides just writing a response or taking a Reading Counts quiz, it is nice to mix it up with fun stuff when they finish. Hence, the creation of this product. If you are anything like me, you enjoy social media. Not just any social media, but specifically Instagram! I am a fan and sometimes slightly addicted. What I love about Instagram is that you can share your experiences with others instantly. Moments or experiences you might not normally share with people, but Instagram makes it possible to share it with more people outside of your usual social circle. With this activity, your students can share their reading experience and recommend books to their classmates in a fun and social way.
How to Use this Product
Anyway you choose! See the Guide Sheet for suggestions. The small circle at the top is a place to draw a picture of themselves. The big picture area, students draw a picture of the cover of the book. Below the picture, they can recommend/tag the book to 3 of their friends. The student who created the Bookagram can make comments about the book as well. Next to the heart, those same 3 students can “like” the book OR others in your classroom who might have read the book can “like” the post by leaving their name. Having an area to display students’ Bookagrams is a nice way to build community in your classroom and build community with your readers!
Please note there are 3 different versions , based on your student needs. One also includes a place for students to rate the book. As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the product. :)
Happy Reading!