Opinion Text Set (Bats) | Distance Learning | Google Slides
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What are monthly text sets?
The monthly text sets are two or more texts based on the same topic. Each monthly text set can be used for both reading and writing. The topic of each text set is high-engaging nonfiction topics. Each text set supports opinion or informational based writing in response to reading.
What is included in each text set?
2 (or more) related informational articles
Reading Comprehension Questions
Writing Prompt to be used with the texts in an essay format
Writing Plan Example
Teacher Example Essay (editable)
Differentiated for Grades 3-5
Bats: Benefit or Bother?
Students read 2 articles and a poem about the positive and negative impact of bats. Using the texts, they write an opinion essay in which they give their opinion about whether bats are a benefit or a bother.
Standard-based reading comprehension questions help you integrate reading while using the same text you are using in writing.
Try the free text set here:
Check out theMonthly Text Set Bundleand save up! The bundle includes ALL of the text sets that are currently available.
What topics are included for each month? The topics included are thematically related to that month. However, the text sets can be used at any time of the year based on your needs.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
This packet contains 60 pages (!!!) of activities that include ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies. This is a 20 day (4 Weeks) Independent Learning Packet. This packet can be used in the following ways:
sub plans
supplement curriculum
center practice
small group practice
school closings
Please see the table of contents inside the preview for the skills covered. The subjects include ELA (Reading, Grammar, and Writing), Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health.
Answer Keys are in a separate file.
Links and description for digital instructions.
What’s included in this packet: ELA Context Clues Making Predictions Main Idea Coordinating Conjunctions Creepy Creatures Similes and Metaphors Multiple-Meaning Words Prepositions Nocturnal Animals Candy Ban Greek and Latin Roots Using a Dictionary Interjections Figurative Language Make an Inference Perfect Verb Tense Party Planner! Perfect Verb Tense II Using a Comma Batty Point of View
Math Expanded Form Batty Place Value Candy Corn Exponents Missing Digits Multiplication Patterns Exponents Multiplication Patterns II Multiplication I Multiplication II Multiplication III Multiplication IV Writing Expressions Grouping Symbols Division I Division II Division III Division IV Interpreting the Remainder Decimal Place Value Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Science/SS/Health The First North Americans The Maya The Aztec The Anasazi The Inuit Mound Builders The Pueblo Artifacts Objects in the Solar System The Inner Planets The Outer Planets Flying Objects Stars and Galaxies Galaxies and the Universe People in Space Skeletal System Digestive System Nervous System Your Brain Prevent the Spread of Germs
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way.
ELA Morning Work 5th Grade {October} | Distance Learning | Google Slides
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*A DIGITAL OPTION HAS BEEN INCLUDED FOR GOOGLE SLIDES/GOOGLE CLASSROOM* Be sure to re-download! There are directions and links inside the pdf.
This resource is a unique way to get your students warmed up in the morning that helps incorporate the 5th Grade Language Standards, Vocabulary Practice, and Reading Comprehension skills.
Save money by purchasing the year long GROWING Bundle!
This set contains 5 weeks of September-Themed morning work for the month of September. The morning work is focused on ELA 5th Grade Common Core Standards. Each day has a thematic structure to cover those Language Standards as well as enhance Vocabulary and Comprehension skills.
Meaningful Monday: Monday is focused on making meaning. Tasks will focus on synonyms, antonyms, vocabulary words, context clues, and making meaning in a short amount of text. Some tasks may require students to make meaning in the text (inference, message, adages, proverbs, etc) or build vocabulary skills.
Text Structure Tuesday: Tuesdays will have a paragraph that requires students to identify the text structure, signal words, and a question or two related to main idea, author's perspective, or vocabulary.
Wordy Wednesday: Wednesday is all about working with words. Tasks include working with shades of meaning, homophones, or a short writing task using pictures or a word bank.
Throwback Thursday: Thursday is all about grammar usage and conventions.
Figurative Friday: Figurative Friday tasks include working with various types of figurative language including similes, metaphors, idioms, and more!
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
This ELA + Math Morning Work is available for the following grade levels:
I hope this resource works for you! Please be sure to FOLLOW US so you get the email when the rest of this series comes out! As we continue to work on the rest of this series, we would love to hear what works for you. You can contact us at help@theliteracyloft.com with any questions, comments, or feedback.
Opinion Text Set {College Athletes Debate} + Digital Option
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Reading and Writing from 1 text set!
What are monthly text sets? The monthly text sets are two or more texts based on the same topic. Each monthly text set can be used for both reading and writing. The topic of each text set is high-engaging nonfiction topics. Each text set supports opinion or informational based writing in response to reading.
What is included in each text set?
2 (or more) related informational articles
Reading Comprehension Questions
Writing Prompt to be used with the texts in an essay format
Writing Plan Example
Teacher Example Essay (editable)
Differentiated for Grades 3-5
Paid to Play: Should college athletes be paid? Students read 2 articles about the positive and negative impact of college athletes being paid to play. Using the texts, they write an opinion essay in which they give their opinion about whether college athletes should be paid. Standard-based reading comprehension questions help you integrate reading while using the same text you are using in writing.
Try the free text set here: https://theliteracyloft.co/FREETextSet
These text sets go perfectly with the Informational and Opinion Writing Units:
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
Check out the Monthly Text Set Bundle and save up! The bundle includes ALL of the text sets that are currently available.
What topics are included for each month? The topics included are thematically related to that month. However, the text sets can be used at any time of the year based on your needs.
This resource is an engaging and effective way to integrate a fun fall twist into your Science curriculum. I created this resource to use in my 4th Grade classroom during our Physical Science Unit. We used pumpkins to discover, study, and discuss physical properties of matter. We then continued our study into physical vs. chemical changes. This investigation can last between 1-10 days (or more), depending on how you structure the activities.
We used small pumpkins to investigate the physical properties of the pumpkin. Students worked in groups of 2-4 to investigate size, mass, color, shape, texture, hardness, and density of the pumpkin.
We used a large class pumpkin to investigate physical vs. chemical changes. We also used the large pumpkin to discuss the physical properties of the inside of the pumpkin, such as smell.
What is included? *The Physical Properties of Matter {Notebook Chart} *Physical Properties of a Pumpkin {Notebook Recording Chart} *Physical vs. Chemical Changes {Notebook Chart} *Physical vs. Chemical Changes {Notebook Recording Chart} *See Think Wonder {Notebook Recording Page} *Rotting Pumpkin Observation Pages
Please see the preview for photos of how this might look in the classroom.
You might also LOVE these other 3rd-4th Grade Resources:
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
If you find that any words you need are NOT included, please email me at help@theliteracyloft.com. I would be happy to add these words for you! :)
****Buy Bundled and Save!!**** You can buy the full set of monthly reading logs by clicking HERE!
Help your students discover... Reading's not so scary!
This product is a Reading Log for the month of October. The Reading Log includes the following columns:
Date Title and Author of Book Number of Pages Number of Minutes Parent Initial
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.