This packet contains 60 pages (!!!) of activities that include ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies. This is a 20 day (4 Weeks) Independent Learning Packet. This packet can be used in the following ways:
- sub plans
- supplement curriculum
- homework
- center practice
- small group practice
- school closings
Please see the table of contents inside the preview for the skills covered. The subjects include ELA (Reading, Grammar, and Writing), Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health.
- Answer Keys are in a separate file.
- Links and description for digital instructions.
What’s included in this packet:
Complete Subject
Compound Words
How Cows Got Their Loose Skin
Precise Words
Subordinating Conjunctions
Identify Nouns
Inflected Endings
Reading Poem
Domain-Specific Vocabulary words
Character Feelings and Traits
Subject and Object Personal Pronouns
Inflected Endings with Y to I
Describing Settings
Base Words Prefixes and Suffixes
Stronger Verbs
Main and Helping Verbs
Spelling Pattern /ü/, /u/, & /u/
Summarizing Information Text
Forming Compound Words
Supporting Details in Informational Text
Repeating Patterns
Angles & Fractional
Angles & Fractional II
Additive Angles
Let’s Talk Angles
Measuring Angles
Additive Angles II
Read and Write Numbers
Unknown Angles
Customary Measurement
Customary Length II
Customary Length III
Comparing Customary Length
Multi-step Problems
Multi-step Problems II
Unknown Numbers
True or False Equations
Recycle Problems
Recycle Rounding
Jelly Bean Problems
Social Studies/Science/Health
Pollution and its Effects
Food Chains
Renewing Resources
Energy Today
Earth Day
The Telegraph
The Telephone
Weathering and Erosion
Radio & Television
Bike Safety
Water Safety
Sun Safety
Stranger Safety
Times are Changing
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way.
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