This packet contains 60 pages (!!!) of activities that include ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies. This is a 20 day (4 Weeks) Independent Learning Packet. This packet can be used in the following ways:
- sub plans
- supplement curriculum
- homework
- center practice
- small group practice
- school closings
Please see the table of contents inside the preview for the skills covered. The subjects include ELA (Reading, Grammar, and Writing), Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health.
- Answer Keys are in a separate file.
- Links and description for digital instructions.
⭐️Please note that there are some overlaps with Science, Social, Studies, Health content for Grades 2-3⭐️
What’s included in this packet:
Frank's First Day of School: Story Elements
Is it a Noun?
A is for Apple: Short A Words
Writing: Community Helper
Ask & Answer Questions
Parts of Speech
Problem & Solution
Short and Long a
Writing: Grandparents
Acorn Adjectives
Short and Long i
Complete the Sentence
Sam the Sloth Goes to School
Writing: How to Be a Friend
Common & Proper Nouns
ABC Order
Statement or Question?
Ending a Sentence
Writing: To the Zoo!
Even and Odd
Model Even Numbers
Even Sums
Place Value
Expanded Form
Writing Numbers in Different Ways
Counting by Ones
Counting by Fives within 100
Counting by Fives within 1,000
Counting by Tens Starting within 100
Counting by Tens within 1,000
Counting Backwards
Story Problems
Story Problems II
Writing Numbers
Comparing Numbers
2-Digit Numbers
Comparing Numbers II
3-Digit Numbers
Missing Numbers
Sum Apples
Place Value
Social Studies/Science/Health
Being a Good Citizen
What if there were no rules?
Science Tools
Think Like a Scientist!
Work Like a Scientist
Types of Soil
I am a human!
Our Teeth
Getting Sick
Junk Food
Healthy Hygiene
Fruit Groups
Healthy Habits
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way.
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