Christmas Persuasive Writing {Candy Cane Mix-Up}
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About this product:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CC.RA.W.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
This product is a fun way to get your students excited about persuasive writing. Your students will write this piece from the point of view of an elf working in Santa’s Candy Cane factory. They are an elf who is put in charge of the factory when things take a turn for the worst. Your elves really want to keep their jobs (it is getting close to Christmas!)
This set includes the following items:
- Teacher Lesson Outline
- Student Scenario Page
- Three Planning Pages
- Transition Words Sheet
(plain and holiday versions)
- Hook Santa In Printable
- Endings Printable
- Two Letter Outline Printables
Christmas Writing {Rudolph's Missing!}