This resource includes Math Task Cards for the entire year. Each set of task cards is aligned to the Common Core Standards so that you can integrate this with your current curriculum. By purchasing the bundle, you are saving 30% of the cost than if you were to purchase the sets individually.
Each set of task Cards includes:
- 36 Task Cards
- Answer Sheet
- Answer Key
- Google Slides + Forms
This Bundle includes:
Place Value & Powers of Ten
Multi-Digit Multiplication
Multi-Digit Division
Read, Write, Compare & Round Decimals
- Add & Subtract, Multiply & Divide Decimals
- Expressions & Patterns
- Add & Subtract Fractions & Mixed Numbers
- Multiply Fractions
- Divide Fractions
- Converting Measurement Units
- Line Plots
- Coordinate Planes
- Classifying Two-Dimensional Shapes
- Volume of Three-Dimensional Shapes
- Multi-Step Problem Solving
These task cards are part of a year long series that covers the 5th Grade Math Standards.
✔︎ 5.NBT.1.1, 5.NBT.1.2 - Place Value & Powers of Ten
✔︎ 5.NBT.2.5 - Multi-Digit Multiplication
✔︎ 5.NBT.2.6 - Multi-Digit Division
✔︎ 5.NBT.1.3, 5.NBT.1.4 - Read, Write, Compare & Round Decimals
✔︎ 5.NBT.2.7 - Add & Subtract, Multiply & Divide Decimals
✔︎ 5.OA.1.1, 5.OA.1.2, 5.OA.2.3, - Expressions & Patterns
✔︎ 5.NF.1.1, 5.NF.1.2 - Add & Subtract Fractions & Mixed Numbers
✔︎ 5.NF.2.4, 5,NF.2.5, 5.NF.2.6 - Multiply Fractions
✔︎ 5.NF.2.4, 5.NF.2.7 - Divide Fractions
✔︎ 5.MD.1.1 - Converting Measurement Units
✔︎ 5.MD.2.2 - Line Plots
✔︎ 5.G.1.1, 5.G.1.2 - Coordinate Planes
✔︎ 5.G.2.3, 5.G.2.4 - Classifying Two-Dimensional Shapes
✔︎ 5.MD.3.3, 5.MD.3.4, 5.MD.3.5 - Volume of Three-Dimensional Shape
Math Task Cards for the Year Freebies
5th Grade
4th Grade
3rd Grade
8 Ways to use Math Task Cards in Your Classroom:
I recommend printing these on card stock and/or laminating them so that you can continuously use them year after year.
1. Math Center
2. Journal Problems
3. Small Group Instruction
4. End of Unit Review
5. Test Prep
6. Early Finisher Task
7. Write and Wipe Answers (if laminated)
8. Walk and Solve: Many teachers like to place these around the classroom to get their kids moving by "walking and solving." You can put them on desks, paste them
on your whiteboard, and in various places around the room.
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