The tools you need to handle parent conferences with ease!
✋ This resource is included in the discounted Back to School Bundle!
What is included?
Conference Calendar
- Editable Conference Calendar to send home to parents
- Confirmation Note/Reminder to send home to parents reminding them about their scheduled conference.
*You might also like to use an electronic form such as www.signup.com
Conference Forms (pdf + editable PowerPoint)
- Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule (for you to keep track of scheduled conferences)
- Parent/Teacher Conference Notes
- Parent/Teacher Conference Form
- Phone Conference Notes Form
You can download the fonts used in this file free for personal use below:
KG Eyes Wide Open
KG One More
KG Blank Space Solid
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way.