Introduce THEME to your 3rd graders to foster critical thinking, deepen reading comprehension, and help children make connections between literature and their own lives. Packet includes: reading comprehension passages & questions, graphic organizers, activities , exit slips, standards addressed and book recommendations,. All activities are available in a print and digital format.
This unit is also part of the Reading Mini Units Bundle for 3rd Grade
Click here for the 4th-5th Grade version
What is included?
1. Google Slides/PowerPoint: This is an interactive teaching presentation to teach theme. The Google Slides and PowerPoints help you teach or review the skill. There are three versions included in both PowerPoint & Google Slides. The slide presentation is organized so that you can use the I Do, We Do, You Do method:
- Model the Skill
- Let's Try It! (Active Engagement)
- Independent Practice (Exit Slip)
Version 1: (Teaching Slides) These slides include transitions so that you can discuss the answers before they appear. The answers are also in the notes section of the slideshow.
Version 2: (Student Slides) These slides can be used if you are teaching virtually or if you want to use this as a review and have students complete on their own.
Version 3: (Answer Key) This slide has all the answers.
2. 3rd Grade Theme Standards
3. Tips for choosing books to teach theme
4. Book Recommendations: chapter books & picture books
5. Graphic Organizers: common themes, multiple themes, themes across stories, theme: finding evidence, step-by-step theme, thinking about theme, revealing the theme
6. Theme Posters: The following theme posters are included: theme, theme topics vs. statements, revealing the theme, common themes. The posters come in different colors: red, teal, black and white)
7. Reading Comprehension Passages & Questions: total of 5 with a focus on theme
8. Exit Slips: There are 5 exit slips with a variety of questioning about theme in multiple choice or short response format. They print 2 per page and are also available in Google Forms.
9. Reading Activities:
- Theme: true or false?
- Could it be a theme?
- Theme or Main Idea?
- Theme: The Case of the Missing Skateboard
- Theme: The Adventures of Carl Caterpillar
- Writing about Theme
- Mr. Thompson’s Haunted House (step-by-step theme)
- Theme Practice
- Theme Match