This resource includes 36 task cards for Nouns: Plural, Possessive, Common & Proper
36 Task Cards
Answer Sheets
Answer Key
Grades 3-5
Digital Options (Google Slides and Forms)
Standards Addressed:
*This current set of task cards only addresses 3rd Grade standards. However, you may find them useful if you teach 4th and 5th Grade depending on your students' needs.
3rd Grade Standards
L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L.3.1a Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.
L.3.1b Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns.
L.3.1c Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).
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Digital Reading Logs | Distance Learning | Google Slides
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This Reading Log Bundle includes Reading Logs for the entire year! These Reading Logs are thematic by the month and include the following columns in 3 options:
Option A Date Title Author Pages
Option B Date Title Author Pages Minutes Genre
Option C Date Title Author Pages Minutes Genre Level Score
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If you are not interested in purchasing this resource or would like to look more closely at the individual Reading Logs for print, click on the following link below. Thank you for stopping by!
*DIGITAL OPTIONS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED FOR GOOGLE SLIDES AND FORMS/GOOGLE CLASSROOM* Be sure to re-download! There are directions and links inside the pdf.
This is an informational newspaper-style text perfect to teach your students about Presidents Day. and may be used over a few days. The text includes a history of Presidents Day, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln.
Bingo The questions are in a bingo style format. Students read the informational text about Presidents Day, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. Then, they answer questions on the bingo grid. The grid comes in 26 different versions. Having each student use a different version of the answer grid will allow you to reinforce the content of the informational text by playing a game of bingo.
How to Play: The first page is an answer key, which can be used to play the game of bingo. Cut up each square, place in a Ziploc bag or container of your choice and call out questions. Students must answer the question correctly and have 5 in a row. Up, down, or diagonally. Students can use counters or any treats to keep track of the questions called.
Also Included! Reading Comprehension Questions:The questions are also in a traditional multiple choice and short answer format. Not all answers are included from the bingo grid and the questions may be slightly different. You would not need to use BOTH formats – pick one or the other.
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****Buy Bundled and Save!!**** You can buy the full set of monthly reading logs by clicking HERE!
Fall back in love with reading! :)
This September Reading Log can be used for nightly reading. The Reading Log includes the following columns:
Date Title and Author of Book Number of Pages Number of Minutes Parent Initial
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My 100th Day Book-a printable booklet (Math, Science, Literacy)
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This is a printable booklet full of Math, Science, and Literacy activities designed for the 100th day of school. The pages are not numbered so that you can pick and choose which activities you would like to use with your students. Also, there is a supply list of things you will need for some of the activities.
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This resource contains plans for the Read Aloud Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson.
This fun read aloud is perfect to teach treating each other with love and kindness, theme and character change. This document includes notes for the teacher to refer to as you are reading the book. The notes are on squares that can be cut and pasted onto Post-It notes. When placed in the book on the designated pages, your Read Aloud is prepped and ready to go!
Each Post- It square contains either a Think Aloud prompt or Question with an Example Student Response to help guide you in your read aloud. You can use as many or as few as you would like. The last post-it is intended to be blank for you to add any other teaching ideas. The questions can also be used as a formative assessment and are centered around: • Characters • Character Relationships • Activity Breaks
Great to leave in your sub plans!
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This Tic-Tac-Toe style homework is a fun way for you and your students to celebrate the season. This one page form comes with 9 squares filled with homework choices that involve conversations with families, helping others, and writing directions for recipes!
This resources also includes 2 templates to help students with the homework choices:
*Make Your Own Thanksgiving Word Search page for students who choose this activity or you might find this to be a fun activity for your classroom.
*Thanksgiving Recipe Template
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We hope this homework provides a fun way for you and your students to mix it up this holiday season!
Math Word Wall for Grades 3-4 {Common Core Aligned} NEON
About this Product This product includes a visual vocabulary Math word wall for Grades 3-4 for the ENTIRE YEAR. Each colorful word card contains pictures and visual elements to help students gain a deeper understanding of math concepts as well as the definition for the word. This word wall is appropriate for grades 3-4. If you find that you need any other words which are not included in this set, please email me at I would LOVE to add to this set to meet your needs. Open the preview to see the list of words and a sample of the words.
This Vocabulary Card set will print on a half sheet page in a landscape format. To make these work in your classroom, you can simply print, put on a background such as construction paper or card stock (optional), laminate (recommended) and either post on your Math Word Wall, use for instruction, and/or stock as a resource in your Math Center. Additionally, there is a sign you can use to post as part of the display or as a label in your Math Center. The words are separated by Big Ideas for organizational purposes, although some may overlap. On the following page, you can see the Big Ideas and words contained in this set. Each section also contains a label for the big idea. This may be helpful when you store these when they are not in use or to organize in your math center.
Previously, the math word wall sets were sold in separate products based on the Big Ideas (Place Value, Geometry, Multiplication & Division). If you have purchased any of my other Math Word Wall sets and would like this set, please email me at so that I can get you the updated product! :)
MATH TERMS INCLUDED: Place Value and Number Sense
6.order of operations
7.inverse operations
8.number line
10.pattern unit
16.period value
18.word form
19.expanded form
20.standard form
26.greater than
27.less than
30.Identity Property of Addition
31.Distributive Property of Addition
32.Commutative Property of Addition
33.Associative Property of Addition
34.counting number
Multiplication and Division
1.Zero Property of Multiplication
7.compatible numbers
8.Identity Property of Multiplication
9.Associative Property of Multiplication
10.Commutative Property of Multiplication
11.Distributive Property of Multiplication
14.partial product
16.related facts
20.fact family
27.partial quotient
29.common factor
30.common multiple
32. composite
Fractions and Decimals
4.common denominator
6.equivalent fractions
7.fraction greater than one
9.decimal point
10.unit fraction
11.mixed number
12.simplest form
13.equivalent decimals
Measurement and Data
2.square unit
5.tally table
7.frequency table
9.A.M. and P.M.
10.hour, minute, second
11.elapsed time
12.analog clock clock
14.picture graph
15.pie graph
16.line graph graph
19.line plot
22.fluid ounce
24.Half gallon
22. ounce
23. pound
24. ton
25. variable
26. height
27. weight
28. yard
29. foot
30. Liter
32. Centimeter
42. inch
43. gram, kilogram
44. meter, kilometer
45. key
46. cup
47. mass
48. pint
49. quart
Geometry and Shapes
1.line segment
2.acute angle
4.Line of Symmetry
6.right angle
8.intersecting lines
9.straight angle
10.parallel lines
11.perpendicular lines
13.line symmetry
14.Polygon (adjusted clip art)
26.closed shape
37.right triangle
38.obtuse triangle
39.acute triangle
40.equilateral triangle
41.scalene triangle
42.isosceles triangle
43.three-dimensional figure
44.two dimensional figure
49.square prism
50.rectangular prism
52.triangular prism
Recently Added 6/21/16
*tape diagram
*bar model
*equal groups
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This is a full page version of my Math Word Wall that you can find by clickingHERE!
About this Product This product includes a visual vocabulary Math word wall for Grades 3-4 for the ENTIRE YEAR. Each colorful word card contains pictures and visual elements to help students gain a deeper understanding of math concepts as well as the definition for the word. This word wall is appropriate for grades 3-4. If you find that you need any other words which are not included in this set, please email me at I would LOVE to add to this set to meet your needs. Open the preview to see the list of words and a sample of the words.
This Vocabulary Card set will print on a half sheet page in a landscape format. To make these work in your classroom, you can simply print, put on a background such as construction paper or card stock (optional), laminate (recommended) and either post on your Math Word Wall, use for instruction, and/or stock as a resource in your Math Center. Additionally, there is a sign you can use to post as part of the display or as a label in your Math Center. The words are separated by Big Ideas for organizational purposes, although some may overlap. On the following page, you can see the Big Ideas and words contained in this set. Each section also contains a label for the big idea. This may be helpful when you store these when they are not in use or to organize in your math center.
Previously, the math word wall sets were sold in separate products based on the Big Ideas (Place Value, Geometry, Multiplication & Division). If you have purchased any of my other Math Word Wall sets and would like this set, please email me at so that I can get you the updated product! :)
MATH TERMS INCLUDED: Place Value & Number Sense
order of operations
inverse operations
number line
pattern unit
Associative Property of Addition
place value
word form
expanded form
standard form
greater than
less than
Identify Property of Addition
Commutative Property of Addition
counting number
Multiplication & Division
Zero Property of Multiplication
equal groups
tape diagram
bar diagram
bar model
compatible numbers
Identity Property of Multiplication
Associative Property of Multiplication
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Distributive Property of Multiplication
partial product
related facts
fact family
mental math
partial quotient
common factor
common multiple
known fact
Fractions & Decimals
unit fraction
common denominator
benchmark fraction
decimal system
equivalent fractions
fraction greater than one
decimal point
simplest form
equivalent decimals
Measurement & Data
tally table
frequency table
square unit
unit square
time interval
elapsed time
analog clock
digital clock
pie graph
line graph
bar graph
line plot
fluid ounce
half gallon
liquid volume
line segment
acute angle
line of symmetry
obtuse angle
right angle
intersecting lines
straight angle
parallel lines
perpendicular lines
line symmetry
closed shape
right triangle
obtuse triangle
acute triangle
equilateral triangle
scalene triangle
isosceles triangle
three-dimensional figure
two-dimensional figure
square prism
rectangular prism
triangular prism
composite figure
Add-on Words for 3rd Grade
fact family
related facts
perimeter with formula
area with formula
volume with formula
groups of
half inch
quarter inch
** Add-Ons as of 06/09/23**
-half hour -quarter past
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End of Year Activities | Distance Learning | Google Slides
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*A DIGITAL OPTION HAS BEEN INCLUDED FOR GOOGLE SLIDES/GOOGLE CLASSROOM* Be sure to re-download! There are directions and links inside the pdf.
This printable booklet is a fun way for your students to reflect on the school year during the last few days. The booklet totals in 10 pages on the inside with a front and back cover. The pages are copied back to back and then folded to form a booklet which students and families can cherish forever!
Booklet Pages include the following: {These are the half-sheet pages of the booklet}
Front Cover- Best of 4th Grade! My End of Year Reflection (The cover page comes in 8 versions K-6 as well as a generic one for any grade level.) Page 1 - All About My Teacher Page 2 - People Say the Funniest Things-Speech Bubbles for funny or interesting things people said throughout the year (i.e. teachers, friends, principal, etc.) Page 3 - Important People (6 Boxes for illustrations &lines for captions, yearbook style format) Page 4 - Top Ten Things You Should Know That I Loved About This School Year! Page 5 - Top Ten Things You Should Know About My Teacher Page 6 - Top Ten Things I Learned This Year Page 7 - Top Ten Things You Should Know About Our school Page 8 - Top Ten Moments to Remember Page 9 - Autographs Page 10 - Autographs Back - All About the Author
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I hope you have as much fun as we did! Remember you can earn TPT credits towards future purchases by leaving feedback! I love getting feedback and appreciate you taking the time to do so. Please contact me with any questions or issues you may have.
Happy Teaching! - Jessica
Math Morning Work 3rd Grade {March} I Distance Learning I Google Apps
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*A DIGITAL OPTION HAS BEEN INCLUDED FOR GOOGLE SLIDES AND FORMS/GOOGLE CLASSROOM* Be sure to re-download! There are directions and links inside the pdf.
CheckHEREfor all Good Morning, Sunshine! Morning Work for 3rd Grade
About this Product This resource is a unique way to get your students warmed up in the morning. The Math is aligned to 3rd grade Common Core Standards and intended to be a review. If you teach 4th grade, this might also work for you depending on your students’ needs. (We do have a 4th grade version!)
This set contains 5 weeks of thematic Math morning work for the month of March. The problems are thematic around St. Patrick's Day, Spring, and Women's History Month. The morning work is focused on Math with a sprinkle of Science, a pinch of grammar, and a dash of Daily/Weekly Updates to keep your students engaged and open doors for conversations. Each week follows the same routine. The focus for each day was created based on fundamental needs I noticed in my classroom of 3rd graders: Multiplication & Division, Number Sense, & Fractions (including Fractions & Decimals) While these are not the only areas addressed, they are the main focus. Each week follows the same routine and structure.
*Multiplication Monday- Problems are centered around Multiplication.
*Base Ten Tuesday- All about the Base of our Number System. These problems are centered around our number system and place value.
*Wordless Wednesday- No Word Problems! Students have 3 problems without words.
*Throwback Thursday- Review Day! Other days may offer a review problem, but Thursdays have problems that may come from 2nd grade or the beginning of the year. I also added problems from other standards such as Measurement, Data, and Geometry. There is also a short paragraph in which students Box the Verbs, Circle the adjectives, and Underline the nouns. There may also be a short sentence or paragraph in which students edit the sentence or answer a question after reading a short paragraph related to Social Studies or Science.
*Fraction Fun Friday- Nothing says Fun Friday like Fractions! There is always a need to review fractions. By keeping it short, sweet and including a fun personal question, this may help build your students’ confidence in fractions while also keeping it fresh.
I created this resource in my 3rd grade classroom because I saw a need to continuously review these key areas. By following this same structure each week, students know what to expect while they are also building their confidence in these essential math areas. I have also found several other benefits from this morning work routine:
*Routine!-My students knew exactly what to do when they come in the classroom. Also, if I needed a few extra minutes due to meetings or other housekeeping duties, I knew my students were spending that time working on essential math skills, not just “busy work.” The morning work is meant to be short and sweet, skill practice, plus engaging.
*Short & Sweet- There are only a few problems so it shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes. This will also let you know if students are still having difficulty with a certain skill.
*Fewer Copies-Only one sheet of paper for the whole week! (Copy front and back)
*A Weekly Grade-My students know this and do not want to do the work for homework or have a poor grade. This helped get them started right away in the morning. I also go over the problems each morning and allowed students to fix their work before turning it in. In my opinion, this is beneficial because it keeps the students engaged as we go over it, ESPECIALLY if they had difficulty with it. This was also beneficial for students because if the paid attention and “added on to their thinking,” they can earn a good grade that will be added weekly. For students that already struggle, this is confidence building and motivating.
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This ELA + Math Morning Work is available for the following grade levels:
You can expect March to come soon! I hope this resource works for you! Please be sure to follow us so you get the email when the rest of this series comes out! As we continue to work on the rest of this series, we would love to hear what works for you. You can contact us at
~Erin and Jessica
Writing Process Signs {Calming Blue}
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These writing process signs will help you and your students identify the steps/parts of the writing process as well as keep track of where they are when working on a project and what to do next! Implementing a routine at the beginning of the year will help students be successful as writers throughout the year as well as in the rest of their writing life. These Writing Process Signs come in a calming blue with clear steps and visually pleasing clip art that will catch the eyes of you and your students. If you would like to see these posters in another color, please email me at
Steps Included *A Writer's Thinking labels (3 different versions, rectangle, oval, circle) *Generate Ideas *Develop & Plan *Rehearse *Draft *Revise *Edit *Peer Edit *Publish *Celebrate!
Ideas for Classroom Use These posters come landscape 11 x 8.5. If you are looking for a different format, please email me! I suggest printing and laminating each of the signs. You may or may not want to use all of the signs. In general, there are variations in the steps of the writing process. Printing on card stock would allow these signs to be more durable, but is not necessary! You could even print and slip into sheet protectors. If you do not have access to a color printer, or find that it is too expensive, simply print in gray-scale and you are good to go! Here are some ways I have used writing process signs in my classroom:
*Writing Center- Put signs in sheet protectors and then attach on a binder ring and have students use as a reference.
*Bulletin Board- Display in a row above or on a bulletin board or even in the writing center as a reminder of the steps writers go through during the writing process.
*Writers’ Tracking System- Use as a way to track your young writers’ status in the writing process. You could do this by connecting the signs using binder rings. Then, hang on a bulletin board and use clothespins with your students’ names or numbers to track where they are in the writing process.
Are you looking for something else? Please email me at! I would love to add any words or signs that you use in your classroom.
Are you looking for a different color? I will be adding other versions of this same product with a different color. Please email me if you are looking for something specific!
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I look forward to hearing how you implement these in your classroom! Please contact me with any questions, issues, or feedback!
These writing process signs will help you and your students identify the steps/parts of the writing process as well as keep track of where they are when working on a project and what to do next! Implementing a routine at the beginning of the year will help students be successful as writers throughout the year as well as in the rest of their writing life. These Writing Process Signs come in 3 different designs and patterns (navy & white quarter foil, navy & white stripes, teal & white chevron) If you like the signs, but would like to see them in different colors, please contact me! There are also two “title” posters. {The Writer’s Process and A Writer’s Thinking}
I suggest printing and laminating each of the signs. You may or may not want to use each of the signs. There are slight variations on the steps in the writing process, as a general rule of thumb. Printing on card stock would allow these signs to be more durable, but is not necessary! You could even print and slip into sheet protectors. If you do not have access to a color printer (or find that it is too expensive) simply print in gray-scale.
The signs could be used in several ways... Writing Center- put signs in sheet protectors and then attach on a binder ring and have students use as a reference.
Bulletin Board- Display in a row above or on a bulletin board or even in the writing center as a reminder of the steps writers go through during the writing process.
Writers’ Tracking System- Use as a way to track your young writers’ status in the writing process. You could do this by connecting the signs using binder rings. Then, hang on a bulletin board and use clothespins with your students’ names or numbers to track where they are in the writing process.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
I look forward to hearing how you implement these in your classroom! Please contact me with any questions, issues, or feedback! Happy Writing! -Jessica
Poetry - JUST the Notebook Anchor Charts
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This is a custom request for just the Poetry Notebook Anchor Charts from my Poetry Writing Unit which you can find here...
This set includes ONLY the Writing Notebook Anchor Charts listed below. The following description is for the FULL Unit Resources.
The world of poetry is vast and full of variety. Whether you are doing a full on unit or trying to incorporate poetry among other units in your classroom, poetry can be a tool to help you meet students language, comprehension, writing, and even fluency needs. Furthermore, poetry can be integrated into content areas (see acrostic slide). The resources included in this unit can provide you with the tools you need to incorporate poetry into your classroom.
What this Product Includes:
*28 Writing Notebook Anchor Charts: These Anchor Charts are half-size pages (2 on a page) that students can glue inside their writing notebooks to get ideas, as reference sheets, or use for practice throughout the unit.
22 Large Anchor Charts/Slides: These large anchor charts/slides can be used to teach, in a writing center, or as a reference in your classroom. I have used these large charts as part of my lesson by projecting on the SMART board. After the lessons, I printed these off and put them in sheet protectors and on binder rings to use in our writing center. Students could refer to them if necessary or I have also used these to have a small group work on a specific strategy.
Common Core Standards for Teaching Poetry: Unfortunately reading and writing poetry is not explicitly defined by the Common Core Standards. However, I have included grades 3-5 Literature and Language standards that this unit could help you meet with your students. Writing poetry only helps to make children a better reader of poetry.
Suggested Teaching Points: A calendar of suggested poetry teaching points has been included to help with planning and identifying a sequence of teaching points. I suggest immersing students in reading poetry before writing poetry to study the characteristics of poetry and reading like a writer. In the future, I plan to add explicit lessons to this unit as I have done in my Narrative Writing Unit. Please email me if you are interested so that I can send you updates to this unit.
Reading a Poem: This "think sheet" will help students analyze and read a poem for meaning.
Peer Revision Checklist: This checklist can guide students to revise and edit their poems.
Thank you so much for your purchase! If you are looking for something specific that is not included in this product, I would love to hear from you! Please email me with questions, feedback, concerns, or to get on my updates mailing list.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
Communicating with your parents about your classroom happenings is easy-peasy with this editable newsletter! You can send this home weekly, monthly, or whatever works best for you. The template is completely editable, but with titled sections for guidance. You can simply customize for your classroom.
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When you want to acknowledge a student’s behavior or effort, simply place a positive note on their desk, in their folder, on their work, or as a sticker!
In order to print the notes, you’ll want to print Page 3 (print as many copies as you want). Then, stick blank Post-Its on each square and insert the pages with the Post-Its attached back into your printer. All of the messages will print directly onto the Post-Its!
To make your life even easier, you can also simply print on colored paper (or plain white) and have these notes ready to simply hand out to students, tape/staple in their agenda, or attach to work/take home folder.
What is included?
template for printing on sticky notes
____ was a Super Scientist today!
____ was a Super Writer today!
____ was Marvelous in Math today!
You Rule!
Write On!
Great job in Writing today!
I had a great day at school!
Thanks for your help today!
I was a good friend today!
I am so proud of you because...
You rock because...
Super Student (check one: respect, responsibility, hardworking)
Your work is out of this world!
Great Group Work Today!
Great Partner Work Today!
What a Bookworm!
A note from your teacher...
Thanks for your positive attitude today!
You had an AMAZING day today!
Way to be a Problem Solver!
I was a big help today!
I did the right thing today!
You have shown so much improvement!
Let's Taco 'Bout your great work!
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
If you have any requests for additional notes, please let me know. I am happy to add more. Enjoy!
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way.
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This resource includes 28 task cards forCharacter Traits
28 Task Cards
Answer Sheets
Answer Key
Digital Options (Google Slides and Forms)
Standards Addressed:
RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
Figurative Language Task Cards Grades 3-5 | Distance Learning | Google Slides & Forms
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🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
Standards Addressed: 3rd Grade Standards L.3.1.AExplain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. L.3.1.GForm and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
L.3.1.AExplain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. L.3.1.FEnsure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement. L.3.1.BForm and use regular and irregular verbs. L.3.1.DForm and use the simple (e.g. I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
This resource includes 36 task cards for Context Clues Fiction
36 Task Cards
Answer Sheets
Answer Key
5th Grade
Digital Options (Google Slides and Forms)
Standards Addressed: L.5.7Use context (e.g., cause/effect relationships and comparisons in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
RL.5.4Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
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This resource includes 36 task cards for Story Elements
36 Task Cards
Answer Sheets
Answer Key
3rd Grade
Digital Options (Google Slides and Forms)
Standards Addressed: RL.3.1Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
RL.3.2Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
RL.3.5Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections.
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This product is a Reading Log for the month of November. The Reading Log includes the following columns:
Date Title and Author of Book Number of Pages Number of Minutes Parent Initial
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
When the weather outside is frightful, a book is so delightful!
This product is a Reading Log for the month of December. The Reading Log includes the following columns:
Date Title and Author of Book Number of Pages Number of Minutes Parent Initial
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
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Help your students discover... Reading's not so scary!
This product is a Reading Log for the month of October. The Reading Log includes the following columns:
Date Title and Author of Book Number of Pages Number of Minutes Parent Initial
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This booklet is an organizational tool for students to plan, set up, and conduct a Science Experiment for Science Fair or it could be used throughout the year for any Science experiment. On each page, there are guiding questions or labels to help students understand what each component means. Please see the preview for pictures of this product put together and in use.
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This resource includes a set of Scientific Method Posters appropriate for Grades 2-5 classroom. The posters come as a set of 9 in 6 different color options. You can mix and match the colors or print as one color set. Please see the preview for examples of each poster and color.
Titles for Posters: *The Scientific Method *Observe *Question *Hypothesis *Plan *Collect Data *Analyze *Conclusion *Communicate
The color options include blue, green, orange, teal, coral, and black.
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If you have any issues or are looking for other color options, please email me at
This resource offers fraction and decimal activities for you to use on or around St. Patrick's Day. You will need the cereal Lucky Charms for these activities. This resource is appropriate for grades 3-5, but aligns to the 4th Grade Common Core Standards.
MACC.4.NF.A.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions
MACC.4.NF.3.6 Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100.
In the first activity, Find Your Pot of Gold!, students will find the fractional amounts of a set by using tally marks and creating a table.
In the second activity, My Fraction, My Decimal, students will use 10 pieces of Lucky Charms cereal (or 100 depending on the version you would like to use) to demonstrate the relationship from fractions to decimals. Then, plot the decimals and fractions on a number line. This is a wonderful activity to use when introducing decimal/fraction relationships.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
We hope your students enjoy this fun, hands on, St. Patrick’s Day Math activity as much as we do!