Team Add-On License for ELA Morning Work + ELA Weekly Assessments
This is an ADD-ON license for multiple users as a grade level team.
This purchase does not include the ELA Morning Work and ELA Weekly Assessments. This is an ADD-ON license if you have already purchased the morning work and assesssments and would like to share these resources with your grade level team.
If you are using beyond your grade-level team, please reach out to to inquire about other multiple license options.
Please read carefully the following terms of use.
By purchasing this license, you are agreeing that the contents in are the property of The Literacy Loft, LLC (Jessica Meyer) and licensed to you and your grade-level team as multiple users. This license is if you intend to share this resource with other teachers on your team. I retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product. This license gives you the right to share the resource with more than one user for the following resources:
ELA Morning Work
ELA Weekly Assessments
If you are using beyond your grade-level team, please reach out to to inquire about other multiple license options.
📌Use this item for your own classroom students, your own personal use, and share with your grade level team teachers to do the same.
📌Share this item on Google Classroom or other student learning platforms and share with your grade level team teachers to do the same.
📌Reference this product in blog posts, social media, at seminars, professional development workshops, or other such venues PROVIDED there is both credit given to myself as the author and a link back to my TPT store or website shop included in your post/presentation.
📌Post this document for sale/free elsewhere on the internet (this includes Google Doc links on blogs).
📌Make copies of purchased items to share with others is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Terms of Use, along with copyright law.
📌Obtain this product through any of the channels listed above.
Thank you for abiding by universally accepted codes of professional ethics while using this product.
🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.
If you encounter an issue with your file, notice an error, or are in any way experiencing a problem, please contact me and I will be more than happy to help sort it out! Thank you!