This packet contains 60 pages (!!!) of activities that include ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies. This is a 20 day (4 Weeks) Independent Learning Packet. This packet can be used in the following ways:
- sub plans
- supplement curriculum
- homework
- center practice
- small group practice
- school closings
Please see the table of contents inside the preview for the skills covered. The subjects include ELA (Reading, Grammar, and Writing), Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health.
- Answer Keys are in a separate file.
- Links and description for digital instructions.
⭐️Please note that there are some overlaps with Science, Social, Studies, Health content for Grades 4-5⭐️
What’s included in this packet:
Ordering Adjectives
Spelling: Short Vowels
Summarizing A Story
Multiple Meaning: Words and Phrases
Writing: Fact Vs. Opinion
Using Quotation Marks
Spelling: Long A
Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Greek and Latin: Roots and Affixes
Writing: Time Order Words
Using Commas
Spelling: Long E
Meanings of Words and Phrases
Using A Glossary
More General To More Specific
Precise Words and Phrases
Spelling: Long I
Greek Mythology
Using A Thesaurus
Chronological Order
Ordering Fractions
Adding Fractions
Sum Snowmen
Sum Snowballs
Winter Problems
Subtracting Fractions
Winter Problems II
Missing Mittens
Rename Fractions greater than 1
Rename Mixed Numbers
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Snowmen Multiples
Subtracting Mixed Numbers
Subtracting Mixed Numbers II
Adding Mixed Numbers
Bundling Up Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Penguin Products
Making Cupcakes
Compare Factors and Products
Social Studies/Science/Health
New Year Traditions
Different Forms Of Disasters
Preparation For Disasters
Tropical Climate Zone
Temperate Climate Zone
Polar Climate Zone
Factors Affecting Climate
Climate and the Environment
French Colonization
Conflict Over Land
Timeline: French & Indian War
Taxes on the Colonist
Dressing for the Weather
Face Coverings
Sleep Habits
Setting Routines
Setting Goals
Handling Stress
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Please reach out if you have any questions or I can support you in any way. help@theliteracyloft.com
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