*DIGITAL OPTIONS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED FOR GOOGLE SLIDES AND FORMS/GOOGLE CLASSROOM* Be sure to re-download! There are directions and links inside the pdf.
About this Product
This is an informational newspaper style text fun to use around Valentine’s Day. Included in this product are Bingo sheets which have questions from the entire "newspaper." This activity can be used over a few days. Students read facts and information about the history of Valentine’s Day from the newspaper and then record their answers in the bingo grid. The bingo grid comes in 26 different versions. Having each student use a different version of the answer grid will allow you to reinforce the content of the informational text by playing a game of bingo…possibly on or around Valentine’s Day. The questions range from vocabulary, finding the main idea, using text features, as well as finding key details.
How to Play
The first page is an answer key, which can be used to play the game of bingo. Cut up each square, place in a Ziploc bag or container of your choice and call out questions. Students must answer the question correctly and have 5 in a row. Up, down, or diagonally.
This resource is part of the Reading Comprehension Bingo (Holiday Bundle)
You might also enjoy these other Reading Comprehension Bingos:
Christmas Around the World Newspaper Bingo {Informational Text}
History of Earth Day Reading
History of Halloween Newspaper Bingo {Informational Text}
Memorial Day & Fourth of July Informational Text {Newspaper Style Bingo}
MLK Day Reading Bingo
Thanksgiving Informational Text (Newspaper-Style Bingo)
Valentine's Day Informational Text
You try the free Veterans Day Bingo by clicking here!
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