⭐️The price of this bundle will continue to increase as new units are added.⭐️
What is included in each unit?
1. Google Slides/PowerPoint: This is an interactive teaching presentation to use to teach the skills. The Google Slides and PowerPoints help you teach or review the skill. There are three versions included in both PowerPoint & Google Slides. The slide presentation is organized so that you can:
- Model the Skill
- Let's Try It! (Active Engagement)
- Independent Practice (Exit Slip)
Version 1: (Teaching Slides) These slides include transitions so that you can discuss the answers before they appear. The answers are also in the notes section of the slideshow.
Version 2: (Student Slides) These slides can be used if you are teaching virtually or if you want to use this as a review and have students complete on their own.
Version 3: (Answer Key) This slide has all the answers.
2. Exit Slips: Each exit slip can be printed out 2 per page. The Exit Slips are also available in Google Forms. The exit slips are multiple choice or short response.
3. Reading Comprehension Passages: Each unit will include a total of 5 Reading Comprehension Passages & Questions to practice the skill.
4. Graphic Organizers
5. Reading Posters
6. Reading Activities: The activities included will be a variety including sorts, matches, and more that will be dependent on the skill/standard.
7. Recommended Book List: a list of picture books & chapter books
Digital and Print Format
Each unit will be offered in both a printable pdf and a digital format (Google Slides and Google Forms).
This is a Growing Bundle!
What is a growing bundle?
This bundle gives you access to all CURRENT and FUTURE Reading Mini Units for 4th & 5th Grade. Because this is a growing bundle, all future units added to this bundle will cost you ZERO additional dollars. You'll simply be able to download any new additions from your account. This bundle will grow over time and be filled with Reading Mini Units in both a print + digital option (Google Slides + Google Forms). When you buy into the bundle, you are paying the low introductory price. The price will increase as units are added to the bundle, but you only pay once! There are no release dates for the remaining units to be added. Please see a list of planned sets that are forthcoming below.
What units are already included?
Story Elements
Making Inferences
Point of View
Main Idea
Text Structure + Comparing Text Structures
Text Features
Parts of Speech
Upcoming Units
The following mini units will be added to the 4th and 5th Grade bundle.
Context Clues
Poetry, Drama, & Prose
Comparing Presentations of a Text
Comparing Topics, Themes, & Patterns
Figurative Language
Making Inferences
Context Clues
Comparing Multiple Accounts of the Same Topic
Reasons & Evidence
Integrating Multiple Texts
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