⭐️The price will increase and continue to increase as new sets are added to this bottomless bundle.⭐️
What is already included?
- Story Elements Task Cards (Scientific Topics) (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Plot Elements Task Cards (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Types of Conflict Task Cards (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Greek and Latin Roots Task Cards (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Types of Sentences (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Context Clues Literature (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Context Clues Nonfiction (Google Slides + Forms available!)
- Connotation and Denotation Task Cards 6th Grade
- Literary Devices Task Cards
- Mood and Tone Task Cards
- Making Inferences Literature
- Point of View Literature
- Parenthetical Elements
- Analogies
- Pronouns (Subjective, Objective, & Possessive)'
- Text Structure
- Consistency in Style and Tone
- Main Idea
- Character Traits
- Inferences with Text Evidence
- Primary and Secondary Source
- Tracing and Evaluating an Argument (Reasons and Evidences) RI.6.8
- Text Features
- Multiple Meaning Words
- Varying Sentence Patterns
- Point of View Informational
- Identifying Figurative Language
- Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
- Identifying Figurative Language Set 2
- Theme
- Shades of Meaning
What is coming?
- Compare & Contrast Themes
- Summarizing
- Compare & Contrast Presentation of Events
- Pronouns (vague, shifts in number and person)
What is a Bottomless Bundle?
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